Welcome to Zanzibar Safety Wizard

Welcome to the Zanzibar Safety Wizard Site.  This site has been designed for the Zanzibar Employee Health and Safety program; to track training, orientations, certifications, health and contact details.  The site has been redesigned to be more user-friendly and to also supply workers with a portal to report any incidents, close calls or safety concerns.   If you would like to learn more about Zanzibar Holdings or apply for a position, follow the link to https://zanzibar.ca/

This site also contains many resources for workers.  Including Total Physio training videos, Pre-season conditioning programs, worker orientation information and tests of knowledge, JOHSC information, project orientation information and your silviculture worker rights. 

How to Access Your Account

When a user account has been set up for you on this site, a welcome email will be sent to you. This email will contain a one-time login link you need to access the site. When you get it, click this link and set your password. Login into the site with your new password.

  • LOGIN:  When you have reset your password, you will be able to log in to the site using your email address or your "Username" -(Last name First name)
  • To access the login page, click the 'Log in' at the top right.
  • Password: It is easy to reset your password.  You can request a new password though the "Request a New Password" tab by entering your email address or username.